Our Commercial Landscaping Services


Design & Installation

First impressions matter. Your landscape will leave a lasting impact on your clients and employees when Tropical Landscape completes installation.

Maintenance & Management

We offer year-round lawn and landscape care. Packages include monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly visits to maintain the appearance of your commercial property.

Landscape Design
Tropical Landscape, Inc.
Professional Arborist

Tree Trimming, Removal & Stump Grinding

Safety is one of your business’ top priorities, and it’s our job to keep it that way. Our team of professional arborists are trained to safely trim and remove trees, as well as remove the stumps with special machinery.

Fertilization, Mulching & Seasonal Flowers

You can count on us to keep your property beautiful with eye-catching enhancements. Let us know what you want to achieve, and we’ll get you there.

Irrigation Installation & Maintenance

To preserve lush lawns and gardens, consider investing in an irrigation system. Once it's installed, our experts are available throughout the year to guarantee optimum functionality.


Landscape Renovation

Ready for a new look? Your property deserves a face lift. We’ll help your existing landscape transition into a totally new work of art.

Pest & Whitefly Control

Many invaders can be spotted on your plants, including pesky whiteflies. These insects deplete phloem sap from leaves, causing them to yellow and fall off. We know how to handle a variety of pests, so let us fight them off for you.

24-hour Emergency Service

For an additional fee, you can have access to around-the-clock care. Whether you need storm damage or irrigation repair, we’ll be there to immediately mitigate any further issues.